Thursday 10 August 2017

Have your say for highwayman

Have your say

The following questions are aimed to make you think...There are no right answers as long as you give reasons for what you have written…. Make a copy and go for it!

  1. Do you think the choice Bess makes (to warn the Highwayman by taking her own life) Is stupid or inspiring? I think it is stupid because she knew him for like 3 minutes.
  2. If you made a movie of this, who would you cast as the highwayman? How about Bess?  I would role Leonardo DiCaprio for highwayman and for Bess I would role Abby Sciuto.      
  3. Have you ever admired a criminal? Do you think it's OK to make robbers into heroes?no because they have done bad already and should go to prison.
  4. Why do you think people tell ghost stories? Is the ghost story in this poem meant to make us scared? Happy? Sad?sad because two people have died but i would not crying they both deserved it couse they.
How do you feel about tragic stories? Would you switch this ending for a happy one if you could?no because the would ruin the story.

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