Wednesday 9 August 2017

10 Reasons why comtputers are great

10 reasons why computers are great

1:Coding,Coding is fun because you can make a game that people will love to play.
2:Games,Gaming is cool because it's a great time waster and you can make millions in the big league.
3:Music,Music is fun to listen to and you don’t have to have the cd.
4:Work,If you have a job you can tip all your work instead of writing super on a pic of paper .
5:Email,if you were 20 to 30 year you had to write letter these day can write a email in 5 minutes and get to them in 2 minutes.
6:Social media,social is good because wal you can talk half around the world and you don’t have pay to talk to then.
7:Internet,you can access anything for research.
8:Youtube,you watch videos to know how to do something.
9:Writing,it is so easy to write a story because you don’t need to know how to spell.

10:News,you don’t have to watch the news you can just read it on the site.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you have explained your reasons in detail but it would be nice if you added a picture!
