Thursday 4 May 2017

Proofreading my work!

The other I was doing a story for work and so I forgot to edit the story so after I edited and now it looks much better.

One fine I was working on my new robotic crab I realised that clock was broken.So I grabbed my screwdriver and took the back off and put battery in,then put  the screen back on.Then it told me it was time to go home so I walk out into the amazon and got stung by a giant bee that was so big that I fainted.When I woke up there was a baby turtle in my face so went to the vet and handed it in.They then told me that I could name it and so I named it sir greeninham.

One fine I was working on my new robotic crab I realised that clock was broken.So  grabbed my screwdriver  and took the back off and put battery in then it put the screen back on.Then it told me it was time to go home so i walk out in the amazon got stung by a giant bee that was so big that i fainted.When I woke up there was a baby turtle in my face so went to the vet hand it in.They then told me that i can name it and i named it sir greeninham.

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